Flour Converter

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Flour Conversion Calculators

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Flour Units

Units of Flour Measurement

Units of flour include teaspoons, tablespoons, cups, quarts, grams, kilograms, ounces, and pounds.

Flour Unit Conversion Table

Equivalent all-purpose flour weight and volume values
Convert From Teaspoon Tablespoon Cup Quart Gram Kilogram Ounce Pound
1 teaspoon = 1 tsp 0.333328 tbsp 0.020833 c 0.005208 qt 2.604125 g 0.002604 kg 0.091858 oz 0.005741 lb
1 tablespoon = 3.000048 tsp 1 tbsp 0.0625 c 0.015625 qt 7.8125 g 0.007813 kg 0.275578 oz 0.017224 lb
1 cup = 48.000768 tsp 16 tbsp 1 c 0.25 qt 125 g 0.125 kg 4.409245 oz 0.275578 lb
1 quart = 192.003072 tsp 64 tbsp 4 c 1 qt 500 g 0.5 kg 17.636981 oz 1.102311 lb
1 gram = 0.384006 tsp 0.128 tbsp 0.008 c 0.002 qt 1 g 0.001 kg 0.035274 oz 0.002205 lb
1 kilogram = 384.006144 tsp 128 tbsp 8 c 2 qt 1,000 g 1 kg 35.273962 oz 2.204623 lb
1 ounce = 10.886391 tsp 3.628739 tbsp 0.226796 c 0.056699 qt 28.349523 g 0.02835 kg 1 oz 0.0625 lb
1 pound = 174.182257 tsp 58.059823 tbsp 3.628739 c 0.907185 qt 453.59237 g 0.453592 kg 16 oz 1 lb

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