Time Converter

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Measuring Time

Time is the measurement of the sequence and duration of events occurring in the past, present, and future. Time is a nonspatial continuum that is measured in terms of events which succeed one another from past through present to future.[1]

Calendars, clocks and watches are all instruments for measuring time. Calendars are used to measure years, months, and days, while clocks are used to measure hours, minutes, and seconds.

A year is equal to 12 months, a month is equal to 28-31 days, a day is equal to 24 hours, an hour is equal to 60 minutes, and a minute is equal to 60 seconds.

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The table below compares common measures of time. Use the unit conversion tools above to convert from one unit of time to another unit of time.

Units of Time Measurement

Units of time include centuries, decades, years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, microseconds, and nanoseconds.

Time Unit Conversion Table

Equivalent time duration values
Convert From Century Decade Year Month Week Day Hour Minute Second Millisecond Microsecond Nanosecond
1 century = 1 c 10 100 yrs 1,200 mos 5,218 wks 36,524 d 876,582 hrs 52,594,920 min 3,155,695,200 s 3,155,695,200,000 ms 3,155,700,000,000,000 µs 3,155,700,000,000,000,000 ns
1 decade = 0.1 c 1 10 yrs 120 mos 521.775 wks 3,652 d 87,658 hrs 5,259,492 min 315,569,520 s 315,569,520,000 ms 315,570,000,000,000 µs 315,570,000,000,000,000 ns
1 year = 0.01 c 0.1 1 yr 12 mos 52.1775 wks 365.2425 d 8,766 hrs 525,949 min 31,556,952 s 31,556,952,000 ms 31,556,952,000,000 µs 31,557,000,000,000,000 ns
1 month = 0.000833 c 0.008333 0.083333 yrs 1 mo 4.348125 wks 30.436875 d 730.485 hrs 43,829 min 2,629,746 s 2,629,746,000 ms 2,629,746,000,000 µs 2,629,700,000,000,000 ns
1 week = 0.000192 c 0.001917 0.019165 yrs 0.229984 mos 1 wk 7 d 168 hrs 10,080 min 604,800 s 604,800,000 ms 604,800,000,000 µs 604,800,000,000,000 ns
1 day = 0.000027379 c 0.000274 0.002738 yrs 0.032855 mos 0.142857 wks 1 d 24 hrs 1,440 min 86,400 s 86,400,000 ms 86,400,000,000 µs 86,400,000,000,000 ns
1 hour = 0.0000011408 c 0.000011408 0.000114 yrs 0.001369 mos 0.005952 wks 0.041667 d 1 hr 60 min 3,600 s 3,600,000 ms 3,600,000,000 µs 3,600,000,000,000 ns
1 minute = 0.000000019013 c 0.00000019013 0.0000019013 yrs 0.000022816 mos 0.000099206 wks 0.000694 d 0.016667 hrs 1 min 60 s 60,000 ms 60,000,000 µs 60,000,000,000 ns
1 second = 0.00000000031689 c 0.0000000031689 0.000000031689 yrs 0.00000038026 mos 0.0000016534 wks 0.000011574 d 0.000278 hrs 0.016667 min 1 s 1,000 ms 1,000,000 µs 1,000,000,000 ns
1 millisecond = 0.00000000000031689 c 0.0000000000031689 0.000000000031689 yrs 0.00000000038026 mos 0.0000000016534 wks 0.000000011574 d 0.00000027778 hrs 0.000016667 min 0.001 s 1 ms 1,000 µs 1,000,000 ns
1 microsecond = 0.00000000000000031689 c 0.0000000000000031689 0.000000000000031689 yrs 0.00000000000038026 mos 0.0000000000016534 wks 0.000000000011574 d 0.00000000027778 hrs 0.000000016667 min 0.000001 s 0.001 ms 1 µs 1,000 ns
1 nanosecond = 0.00000000000000000031689 c 0.0000000000000000031689 0.000000000000000031689 yrs 0.00000000000000038026 mos 0.0000000000000016534 wks 0.000000000000011574 d 0.00000000000027778 hrs 0.000000000016667 min 0.000000001 s 0.000001 ms 0.001 µs 1 ns

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  1. Merriam-Webster, time, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/time

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